I’ve got this…..
Sally Lightfoot Stare-Down
Archipelago Isolation
Black Necked Stilt
Magnificent Male Frigate Bird
Found some shade - Land Iguana
Lava Gull Standing Guard
Sneak Peek
Momma Love
Sea Lion in Repose
Last Rays
Club Meeting
Ghost Crab Being Ghosty
Young Fur Seal
Proud To Be A Marine Iguana
Sing To Me!
My Baby
The Kiss
Lava Cactus - Endemic to the Galapagos
Fur Seal
Yes, I can see you. Blue Footed Booby
Darwin’s Finch
Oyster Catcher
Green Sea Turtle after Depositing Eggs
Cluster on Lava
Endemic Tortoise
Kicker Rock Near San Cristobal
Sunset Kicker Rock
Cruising Blue Footed Booby
Eye on the Catch
Too Cute
San Cristobal Sunset